Heating jackets are suitable containers for drums from 25 to 200 liters and 1000 l IBCs Key Features:
- Electrical heating Power up to 3000W.
- Suitable for viscous material heating.
- Keeps the temperature constant inside the drum.
- They adapt easily to the size of the drum with polyethylene clips.
- With thermostat. The exterior is isolated, increasing safety for people and protection of the drum. Thermostats 0 to 90 °C and 0 to 200ºC.
- 3 m cable to connect to the current.
- Possible to increase the temperature around 2 °C / h.
- Material: Polyester protected by Teflon.
- Meet European standards: Low Voltage (73/23/EEC), Electromagnetic Compatibility (89/336/EEC) and CE (93/68/EEC).
- ATEX option.